Admin:Creating a Racer Profile
This documentation provides an overview of how to create a wiki profile for your hacky racer.
Please contact the administrators via our Facebook page for edit access to the Wiki.
Creating a page
Create your page by navigating to: Racer Name
Check the title of the page is exactly how you want your racer name to appear, it is case sensitive, and might be quite painful to change.
For more info, see here: Page Naming
Click "create this page".
Adding content
For the purposes of this documentation, we will use "create source" or "edit source" at the top of the page. The inline editor (now just "edit") mostly works for text, but gets confused with anything more complicated.
This "template" will create a standard "Racer" infobox at the top right of your profile. These are uniform across all Racer profiles, and should be the first thing in your source.
It should be called in the following format:
{{Racer |ProfilePic=Placeholder.jpg |BuiltBy=Chris Stubbs and Dom Tag |Theme=Tesla Cybertruck |FirstRace=EMF 2022 |CurrentStatus=Active |Motor=4x Hoverboard 6.5″ Hub Motors |ESC=2x Hoverboard PCB |Battery=48V 12S3P Li-Ion (2x 6S) |Transmission=Direct hub motor / 62:3 chain reduction / xxx diff etc... |Contact=@emfroamer (optional) }}
The "ProfilePic" field should be the filename of whatever you uploaded.
Upload a file here: Special:Upload. Use a sensible resolution and filename as we have limited storage. Or use Placeholder.jpg
The other fields are free text and you can write whatever you like.
For more information see Template:Racer
General Fomatting
==Headings get smaller== ===The more equals signs=== ====You add!====
Links within the wiki look like [[CYBR_TRK]] - CYBR_TRK.
External links look like [ Google] - Google.
Each section ends with {{clear}} to prevent images/sections overlapping.
Upload a file here: Special:Upload. Or use Placeholder.jpg Use a sensible resolution, filenames, and only a few photos as we have limited storage. Refer to an external site for more photos.
Single image:
[[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|left]]
Gallery of images:
{|style="margin: 0 auto;" | [[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|alt=Brake Disc]] | [[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|alt=Battery box]] |}
Give some background on the theme or history of your racer.
==Background== [[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|left]] Theme is to look like Lego blocks. It uses baking trays sprayed in various bright coloured car paints It takes the 2022 Hacky Racer, Jeepney, and re-themes and improves on that basic design {{clear}}
Embed YouTube videos by copying their video ID from the URL as below:
==Interview== <youtube>oSSG0ZJpOvY</youtube> {{clear}}
Build details
Explain a little about your construction materials and methods. Some prompts are given below, but replace them with whatever is relavant. If you want to refer to a build guide on another website, just create one heading with a link.
==Construction== How is the chassis constructed? Steering? Geometry? Where are your wheels, tyres, hubs, axles from? How do your brakes work? {|style="margin: 0 auto;" | [[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|alt=Brake Disc]] | [[File:Placeholder.jpg |thumb|alt=Battery box]] |} {{clear}} ==Powertrain== Motor Uses a single Vevor 2000W motor mounted to allow the chain tension to be adjusted ESC Whitebox 1500W e-bike controller that may/may not of had the shunt modified to allow more current Details of chain and gear ratio? 11:74 sprockets through a chain Do you have a diff? No diff fitted, a single solid axle Where is your battery from? Hobbyking but now consistently out of stock {{clear}} ==Other Features== [[File:Placeholder.jpg|thumb|right]] Changing the wheel/tyre changes the ratio of the gearing by a few percent which can be handy {{clear}}
Race Results Table
Semantic Mediawiki can pull all the results relevant to your vehicle from their corresponding event pages. It is important that your vehicle name is consistent (case sensitive) across the wiki for this to work, as it is based on the name of your racer profile page. More info: Admin:Race_Results_System_Documentation
==Race Results== {{VehicleResultsTable}} {{clear}}
BOM Table
It is now suggested that your BOM is published on the wiki when entering races. Medaiwiki tables are quite difficult to write, so we suggest writing it as a spreadsheet and pasting it in to this handy tool to convert it.
==BOM== {{^|Generate tables here -}} {| class="wikitable" |- ! Item ! Cost ! Total |- | Motor | £xx | £xx |- | Wheels | £xx | |- | ... | ... | |} {{clear}}
Final Sections
==Limitations== The solid rear axle causes prodigious understeer at time. {{clear}} ==Resources== More detail on facebook/twitter/website. Link to any CAD / code. Anything else you found helpful and would like to share. {{clear}}
Wrapping Up
Place this code at the end of your profile for a standard link to our facebook page, and to tag your profile with the correct category. It will be automatically picked up and added to the list on the homepage.
----- {{FooterFB}} [[Category:Racers]]
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